Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Space Lesbians!

You know that lesbian space opera I keep talking about? It's going to be part of a new publishing house run by Rachel Manija Brown

Here is what she says about it:

Kalikoi, a new F/F publishing house, will launch on May 3.

Kalikoi brings you the best fiction about women in love with women. Our diverse authors know how to stir your imagination, speed up your heart, and make you laugh or cry. But by the end of a book, your only tears will be happy ones: Kalikoi books guarantee happily-ever-after or happy-for-now endings!

Our heroines all identify as women, but beyond that, the sky’s the limit. They may be trans or cis; they may be lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, or asexual; they may call themselves queer or Sapphic or prefer no labels at all. Kalikoi celebrates ALL women who love women.

Whether you’re looking for an action-packed paranormal romance, a fantasy to transport you to a magical world, a historical full of sensual detail, a moody noir, a lighthearted comedy, or a space adventure, Kalikoi has the book for you!

Kalikoi is a project I've been working on for a while, and I'm delighted that it's about to become a reality.


The site is still somewhat under construction. For instance, I notice that I haven't sent along my author photo. But, if you go there you can sign up for the newsletter and all that jazz. And, since I'm already shamelessly promoting, let me remind you that if you join my Patreon, you can hear me read from the very same lesbian space opera that I will be publishing with them at the $1 level.  (That video will drop the day after tomorrow around 4 pm CT. So, don't worry if you don't see it yet. I just scheduled it.)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A Bit of Life, A Bit of News


It's been very cold here in Minnesota for the past several weeks. I guess, it's all very normal, but all this "April showers bring May flowers" stuff is getting rather dreary. I swear I have not seen the sun in weeks.

Even my cat, Willow, has returned to her winter perch on the radiator.

It's hard to believe it's almost May, honestly. I have a few flowers poking up bravely in my garden, though I was happy to see that some of the trillium that I planted last year have made an appearance. 

The garden this is in still has its leaf cover because it's intended to be a "woodland" garden, aka I was lazy and haven't bagged them up yet. 

Speaking of lazy, I need to decide what to do for my next writing class at the Loft. I've got until the end of May to get in a proposal, but I'm considering proposing another asynchronous class as well as a hybrid one (hybrid, at the Loft, appears to mean: via Zoom unless things change.) I had an extremely successful master class this last semester and I'm taking the summer off to pack my only child off to university in Connecticut.  So these potential classes have a chance at being in-person, since they begin in the fall.

Either way, I need to figure out what aspect of writing. They do themes for their catalog every semester, and this upcoming on is: Outside My Window.  

Many of us felt our worlds shrink a bit during the last year as vacations were cancelled, offices closed, and events postponed. But we also found that some of the most powerful stories are the ones right in our backyards. Writing from where we are can tell us a lot about ourselves, our neighbors, and the world around us.

When we look through a window, we see the world from a unique perspective. What story can only we tell? How might someone looking through another window see it? What are we missing when we can only see a bit of the world through a pane of glass? And in a time when many of us are isolated from each other, how do we bring all of these perspectives together?

I don't HAVE to propose a class that fits this description/vibe, but you do get listed on the special splash pages, if you do.  I mean, an obvious connection I can make is to a spaceship's viewport, but I will have to ponder this a bit.

In other news, I signed the contract for my short story "Sincerely Yours" which will be coming out in The Reinvented Heart Anthology edited by Jennifer Brozek and Cat Rambo coming February 2022 from Arc Manor Press.  So, that continues to be exciting. If you haven't checked out the cover reveal I did of that anthology, you really should.  (This takes you to my Patreon, but this post is open and free to the public.) 

Meanwhile, I continue to work on both my lesbians in space novella and, of course, Alex Connor #3.  Although with the later, I really need to move out of the plotting stage and into the WORDS ON PAGE part or I won't make my deadline! (Which is the end of the year.)


Here's hoping for sunnier days soon.