Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 I've been returning to this blog a lot in the past few days because I'm prepping a class at the Loft.  

I'm not really here to sell the class to you, but it's asynchronous, so if you are not local to me, but would like to take a class from me, the link is here: https://loft.org/classes/over-transom-sff-intermediate-writers

The reason why I've been thinking about this blog (and its sister blog over at Wyrdsmiths) is that I actually wrote down a lot of my thinking about writing here over the years. I mean, a lot of it is VERY old. I'm finding odd gems from 2004 and thereabouts, but it's still kind of fascinating to see how much I recorded over the years.  

This class prep has been killing me a little bit because there is NO live aspect, no Zoom. So, I need to have everything I want to say about writing written down. That's not entirely fair. I do have the option on the program that they've given me (writer.ink) to embed video and audio tracks, which I do intend to do, but the course is intended to be a website--albeit a very complex and interactive one. 

Those of you who have met me know that I'm not actually very good at being straight-forward. I don't think in terms of A to B to C. I'm much more organic, flowing from A to B, but then going off on a tangent on Q, then riff on YELLOW, and then go back to... was I at D? Hopefully, it was entertaining live? When students could raise their hands and say, "Um, I think you skipped C?" I'm not sure how it is all translating into text. 

I did download an app that lets me record voice on my phone and save it as an .mp3.  So, now I can be one of those people you see going for walks talking loudly to themselves. I also bought a license for a pro-video recording software so I can edit any videos I record of lectures.  With luck, this will give the student a sense of who I am and how I think? 

I dunno. I may come back here, though, in the course of working on this class design and write out some of my thoughts about writing again. 

I don't think anyone still checks this blog, but it is still here so I might as well use it.

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