I've been absent from the blogosphere because I've been finishing up my novel for deadline... and I'm happy to report I finished on time! So hopefully this means there will be another Garnet Lacey story for you to enjoy some time in 2010.
After finishing all that, I've been flooded with publicity work for the up-coming release, DEAD IF I DO. As events and contests and whatnot get confirmed, I'll try to make sure I post links and other pertinent information here.
The next couple projects on my plate are:
1) getting the proposals finished for the next three books in the Garnet Lacey series. I had one finished, but it involved the Greek god Eros, and I noticed there's now a TV show with Cupid... so I'm thinking maybe I should scrap that one. I'd be bummed, except as I was finishing the last of the revisions for HONEYMOON (which I'm hoping will be re-titled DEAD & MARRIED,) I wrote in a scene that I think will lead very nicely to a whole new book.
2) Start on my new YA book which is due in mid-October.
3) finish up my alter ego's science fiction book for the small press.
No rest for the Wiccan, I guess!