Thursday, April 07, 2011


I am such a weirdo.

I think that pretty sums up everything you might need to know about me, but I was thinking specifically of the fact that, unlike almost every other writer I know, I ADORE the revision process. I think it's the sense of accomplishment I get while I'm going through each page. In front of me today is a big pile of paper. It's a completed (if somewhat flawed) story. I don't have to figure out how it's going to end any more. It's written. I may, in point of fact, need to utterly CHANGE the ending for the novel to actually be any good, but I have a spare, you know?

I like that feeling. A lot.

Even though I know that when I get through this round of revisions another one is on its heels (or waiting in the wings and other such metaphors) -- around and around until publication.

But, you know, I've taken my first stab at it. I hit something. Now I just have to make sure my aim is true and I hit home.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


If you missed me last night, check out the "Write On Radio" show last night: I'm actually the first guest for once so you don't have to wait!

I always feel really stupid doing these things, but my partner tells me I came off much smarter than I felt. I do rather focus on Resurrection Code as it's the most recent release, but the host and I get around to talking about vampires and even bring up Whedonistas! the other book project I was involved in through Mad Norwegian Press.

Monday, April 04, 2011

Also, since LJ is Down

I want to post a few pictures of my cute kid at a Hogwarts themed birthday party this weekend. Here's my little wizard on our porch.

Now, he's about to get bespelled by "Hermione" (really our friend Ava):

I went to the party dressed as Tonks. If you don't remember her, she's the Auror who falls in love with the werewolf, Remus Lupin, and who can change her hair color and other facial features. The costume for her was easy, since all I really had to do was spray my hair pink and find my old leather jacket. Coincidentally, the last time I wore that leather jacket we were in London. I found train tickets from Gatwick to Victoria Station in the pocket. Cool, huh?


Sorry to be so shameless with my self-promotion, but I would like y'all to know that I'm going to be a guest tomorrow night (Tuesday, April 5) on the "Write On Radio" show on KFAI (90.3 FM Minneapolis/106.7 FM St. Paul) from 7:00 - 8:00 pm Central Time. If you're not local and want to listen as it's happenin', you can stream it at

Even if you can't listen in, say, because you might be attending a reading/signing of fellow Wyrdsmith Douglas Hulick at B&N at the same time, you can check out the archives at the next morning. I'll try to remember to post a link here on Wednesday morning.