Thursday, April 25, 2024

Official Book Birthday Day!

Today is the big day! My book Welcome to Boy. Net is official out today. This book had the working title of Lesbians in SPAAAAACE which pretty much sums up the plot. To celebrate, please enjoy this ridiculous, self-made video of the moment I unboxed my author's copies of the trade paperback edition. I do my own subtitling, so any misspellings are on me, but also this means there is a chance for me to editorialize in the subtitles, like at the very end of this video. (Yes, this is my secret ploy to get you to watch this until the end.)

If you are so inclined, please feel free to pester your local bookstore to buy a few copies to put on the shelves! 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Cover Reveal, Welcome to Boy.Net


My newest book from my trans owned publisher with a trans main character is out today, on Trans Visibility Day. You can pre-order it here:

Monday, March 04, 2024

Back in Paper After 20 Years


Hey, everybody, this is your friendly neighborhood author just popping in to tell the GOOD NEWS....

*foot goes into door quickly*

Not so fast there, friend! I can promise you this a Good Deal. *talks really fast, as you are crushing her foot trying to get the door shut in her face* SoMyAngeLINKBooksAreAvailableInPaperAgain! Including HARDCOVER!!! PleasebuythemPleasebuythem! Okay, Thanks!

Also Available Here!

*limps away to try another unsuspecting customer*