Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Chicon8 VIRTUAL schedule

I had been slated to attend WorldCON in-person, but a month or so ago, when COVID numbers began to spike, I requested to be shifted to fully virtual. I must have gotten my request in in early enough because I am still on a fair amount of programming. Whoot! So, if you are attending WorldCON/Chicon8 this weekend and have virtual access, here's where I will be:

Thursday, September 1, 2022

5:30 PM  Virtual Table Talk - Lyda Morehouse / Tate Hallaway (Airmeet Tables,) Duration: 60 mins

7:30 PM Reading - Lyda Morehouse / Tate Hallaway (Airmeet Readings,) Duration: 20 mins

Saturday, September 3, 2022

10:00 AM The Legacy and Influence of Satoshi Kon (Airmeet 5,) Duration: 60 mins

Alina Sidorova (moderator), Osawa Hirotaka, Lyda Morehouse / Tate Hallaway, Nick Mamatas

Come explore this retrospective on the maker of films like Paprika, Millennium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers, Satoshi Kon. Often exploring themes of performance, social stigma, and the human psyche, Satoshi's stories have left an indelible mark upon media though focus on the synergy between dreams and reality.


7:00 PM Noir and SFF (Airmeet 2,)Duration: 60 mins

Lyda Morehouse / Tate Hallaway, Marissa James, Nick Mamatas, T. C. Weber (moderator)

 Noir fiction and SFF have similar roots in the pulps, and speculative fiction often uses noir themes—or at least its surface appearance. Our panelists will consider noir's influence on cyberpunk and novels like Miéville's The City and the City or Khaw's Hammers on Bone, and ponder the best uses of the fedora. . . in space! Let's talk about our favorite SFF hardboiled detectives, existential dread, and French cinema.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Minicon Schedule -- April 15-17, 2022


I will be *gasp* IN-PERSON at Minicon 55 (April 15-17, 2022).  Below is my schedule for the weekend. I hope to see some of you there!

Lyda at Minicon : https://programming.minicon.org/programming/


The Whole Entire Everything of MCU Movies
Park 2
Category: Media
Participants: Bill Higgins, Beth Kinderman, Katie Clapham, Lyda Morehouse
What are some thoughts on the entirety of this very ambitious project? Marvel has released movies, short series, and regular TV series, all within the same (well maybe) universe. What is this about? Is this the modern equivalent of Saturday serials? What were some important themes? What worked well and what didn't? How well or poorly did they deal with ethical issues?

Utopias aren't what they used to be!
Orchard Room
Category: Literary
Participants: Magenta Griffith, Bill Thomasson, Eric Heideman, Lyda Morehouse
Utopias used to be authors' dreams of an ideal or perfect, or at least, better society. Sometime in the last 20 years, DYStopia took over. Can we get back those rose-colored dreams of a better life or is it too late? What are the important utopian novelsby SF authors? How have utopian visions changed over time? Utopia vs metopia! What are some past and present examples of utopia?

Lyda Morehouse Reading
Park 2
Category: Literary
Participants: Lyda Morehouse

Page 117
Orchard Room
Category: Literary
Participants: Danith McPherson, Lyda Morehouse, Emily Stewart, Martin Summerton, Scott K. Jamison, Jacqueline Stoner
Can you judge a book by a random page? Let's find out! Our panelists will take turns reading the 117th page of books that are surprises to them and the audience, followed by a discussion about what kind of book we think it is, and whether we'd want to read the rest. Then... the reveal!


Mentioning Unmentionables in SF/Fantasy
Park 2
Category: Literary
Participants: Lyda Morehouse, Adam Stemple, Katie Clapham, Naomi Kritzer
What are the things people don't talk about in SF/F? How do people use the toilet on a space station? How do women deal with their periods? What do you do with a dead body in space?

Anime and Manga for Speculative Fiction Fans
Park 2
Participants: Lyda Morehouse, Scott Mattson, Scott K. Jamison, Jason Otting
What's new/good in Japanese science fiction, horror, and fantasy Anime and Manga? What are good starting points, and what are some good options for people who want to dig deeper?

Monday, April 11, 2022

Interview~The Reinvented Heart


Cat Rambo interviewed my alternate self, Lyda Morehouse, in regards to a short story that I have in the current Reinvented anthology, The Reinvented Heart: Tales of Futuristic Relationships, which is currently available in Kindle (and other e-reader formats): https://www.amazon.com/Reinvented-Heart-Jane-Yolen-ebook/dp/B092JNGX85/ with a print version coming in May of 2022