Thursday, October 26, 2006

Math Disproves the Vampire

World Science has an article that shows that vampires can't exist, mathematically speaking. Check it out: Math vs. Vampires: Vampires Lose".


Anonymous said...

They used geometric progression to disprove vampires - - - that's what we get when we let physicists try their hands at math - bah.

The two assumptions they make: #1 - all victims of vampires become vampires & #2 all vampires must feed at least once a month and all their victims necessarily perish (become vampires) are . . .

Illogical and not based on vampire fiction - even ancient vampire fiction.

tate hallaway said...

Good point.

So, math-guy... can vampires be disproven by math?

Anonymous said...

As far as I know the existence of vampires more simply can be disproven by physiology.

Mathematically, I don't think you can disprove the existence of Vampires through population statistics given the amount of variables you'd have to arbitrarily fix.

Of course, I also didn't write an article about it . . .