Wednesday, June 20, 2007

New Proposals in the Works

I just thought I'd share... I'm currently working on two new book proposals for my editor at Berkley. They would be Garnet Lacey Book #4 (currently titled: DEAD IF I DO) and #5 (currently titled: HONEYMOON OF THE DEAD). Can you guess what might be happening in those books???

In other news, it's hot here. I know, I know, not hot like Texas or Egypt or Peru, but it's hot for Minnesota. I like days that don't exceed 75 F, what can I say? Mason and I had to go to Minnehaha Creek to splash around and cool down today.

Hope the rest of you are doing well and staying cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. It's hot. I'm working out in it all day, every day. It's hot.

I prefer something below 80 and a nice breeze. I'll put in my order for just that.