Thursday, July 03, 2014

CONvergence Begins....

Last night was CONvergence's 'opening night.'  Traditionally, there's a Guests of Honor/Former Guests of Honor mixer held on Wednesday night to kick everything off.  Eleanor Arnason (GoH 2001) and I (GoH 2012) went together.

I managed to loose my voice yesterday afternoon, so I squeaked a lot, and pretty much everyone who heard me gave me advice about how to conserve it/help it.  (All of which I intend to take.)

The party itself was surprisingly fun.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, the CONvergence people are always awesome and know how to throw a good party. It's more that as a visiting artist/writing professional in a room of one's colleagues, sometimes the atmosphere can be kind of... well, daunting.  You look around the room and you think, "Wow, all these writers/artists/media stars..." and your next thought is often, "What am I doing here?  Compared to them, I'm nobody."

Like actors, writers are often seen as 'only as good as their current project' (at least among ourselves.) This, I've found is far less true out in the Real World.  If you've written and published once, for most people, you're always a professional writer. The latter makes far more sense than the former.  A book, once published, is always there for people to see.  Regardless, a fellow author is likely to ask, "What are you working on now?" And, when the answer is, "Oh, um... nothing official," it can make for a very awkward night.

For whatever reason, last night, I didn't feel any of that.  I saw a room full of people, many of them friends I hadn't seen in a while, and then I found the corner of anime fans and we squeed about the fact that the newest season of Free! started.

Seemed like an auspicious start.  Fingers crossed that the rest of the con goes as well.

If you're attending con this year, here's a lovely pointer to my CONvergence schedule:

You can also get from there to the main programming schedule.  CONvergence is amazing because they also have this whole 'app' thing figured out.  You can download any number of amazing things to keep track of your con and follow along with live tweets and everything.  (Didn't I say? These CONvergence people are GOOD.)

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